Can you remember all of your possessions?
1. I can just take a video of my home.

Yes, you can. This is a good idea. But why not go all the way to secure the safety of your property. A detailed Home Inventory can provide you the extra added safety you deserve.
2. My home hasn't changed for years.
Well yes. Are you sure. All of that furniture that you bought years and years ago. May now have some value to it. Securing your "proof of ownership" is vital. A home inventory can assist you in proving to your insurance company that "Yes" you did own what you said you owned. Take all of the guess work out of it.
3. We have photo albums full of pictures.
That is good. But, what happens to those pictures in case of a fire? A tornado? Having your proof of ownership when you make your claim will make this a much smoother transaction.
4. I have complete home and content replacement insurance.
That's wonderful. That means if your house is completely destroyed you will be able to have it rebuilt and furnished. No matter what the cost. But, what about those heirlooms you had. Are they completely replaceable? Can you really be sure you are getting their full value?
5. My insurance agent and I are "huntin' buddies", he'll take care of me.
You know that's great. But it's not your insurance agent you have to provide proof of ownership. It's the insurance company and their adjuster.
5. My insurance agent and I are "huntin' buddies", he'll take care of me.
You know that's great. But it's not your insurance agent you have to provide proof of ownership. It's the insurance company and their adjuster.
6. I'll just write my list of contents and no matter what I put down the insurance company will pay.
Well that would be great if this were true. But, anyone who can just write down a list of items without any proof will send red flags up for any insurance adjuster and company. They will take a closer look at what you wrote down. Maybe, even go so far as to deny your claim or offer a settlement for a fraction of the cost of the items you described.
7. My agent knows what I have, he has seen it hundreds of times.
It is not your insurance agent who you have to deal with it will be the insurance company and their adjuster. Yes, y
8. We have a video from last Christmas.
Videos are great to have. But, I bet that Christmas video is not a detailed showing of the contents of your home. But, just what you and your children got for Christmas. You need to have a detailed listing of the contents of your home. Not just a video of your Christmas presents.
9. Our daughter/son had there wedding out back there are lots of pictures of our house.
That's great. I bet though the pictures you are discussing are of the outside of your home and not the inside. You can show off your landscaping. But, what about the contents of your home?
10. We never had a (you fill in the bank).(break-in, fire, storm damage etc.).
That's great if you never had any problems. That's really wonderful. But, can you answer this, "What if...?"
This is what we at Home Inventory Specialists, LLC try to help avoid
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