When you start shopping around for auto insurance it is very important to understand what each state's minimum requirements. If you don't have the minimums it is just as good as not having auto insurance. Let's take a quick look at what the minimums are for auto insurance in Washington.
The minimums are $25,000 for injury to another person. Then there is the $50,000 for all other people that have injuries in an accident. You have to have $10,000 for any damage that is caused to another person's property. Sometimes it is easy to question why certain minimums are in place, but it is important to follow the laws. The minimums have been set in place from statistics over the years. Statistics speak for themselves.
Having insurance in place isn't the only thing you need to do to make sure you are protected.
You need to make sure you have proof of auto insurance in Washington in your vehicle. It can't be just a receipt that you have paid. You will want to make sure you have put the actual card that your insurance company has given you. On that insurance card it will include the name of the insurance company, the policy number and the policy's effective and expiration dates. It will also include a description of the vehicle and the insured drivers name.
You might not feel that is critical since you could call your insurance company and get the information if something happened, but if you are stopped by an officer you will receive a $450 fine and it could go on your record.
It is very important to start with meeting the minimums and having your insurance card in your car when having auto insurance in Washington.
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